Oral Presentation
Oral presentations will be held as in main hall on scheduled date and time.
Please pay attention on the details below:

  • Allotted time for each oral presentation is 5 minutes for entire presentation. The presentations and speeches are highly recommended to be prepared with no or short introduction in order to reach the result and take-home message in time and correct number of slides to keep up with the timing.
  • To prevent possible technical problems which might cause delays in the program, current technical equipment in the meeting halls is required to be used during the presentations.
  • The presentation file should be delivered to the speakers’ ready room at least 3 hours prior to your session.

Rapid Fire Presentation
Rapid fire presentations will be held as in main hall on scheduled date and time.
Please pay attention on the details below:

  • Allotted time for each oral presentation is 4 minutes for entire presentation. The presentations and speeches are highly recommended to be prepared with no or short introduction in order to reach the result and take-home message in time and correct number of slides to keep up with the timing.
  • To prevent possible technical problems which might cause delays in the program, current technical equipment in the meeting halls is required to be used during the presentations.
  • The presentation file should be delivered to the speakers’ ready room at least 3 hours prior to your session.

Video Presentation
Videos prepared according to the guideline below will be displayed on video kiosks during whole congress. There won’t be any video discussion session.
The video should be prepared according to the details below:

  • No more than 8 minutes
  • Include voice guidance / narration.
  • Should be in either of the following formats: mov, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .wmv
  • Should not exceed 500 MB

You are required to prepare your video in requested format and upload by large file transfer programs like wetransfer etc at evrs2023@valor.com.tr no later than 13 August 2023.

E-Poster Presentation
E-posters prepared according to the guideline below will be displayed on e-poster kiosks during whole congress. There won’t be any poster discussion session.
The e-poster presentation should be composed of maximum 5 slides in pptx file format.
The pptx e-poster should have the following content:

  • 1st slide cover
  • 2nd slide introduction
  • 3rd slide methods
  • 4th slide the findings
  • 5th slide results and references

You are required to prepare your e-poster in requested format and upload by using the following link no later than 13 August 2023.
Poster upload link: https://forms.gle/jEdBQU74EH76NKcs5

Photo Presentation
Photo presentation prepared and printed according to the guideline below will be displayed on boards during whole congress. There won’t be any photo discussion session.
The video should be prepared and printed according to the details below:

  • 90 cm in height x 70 cm in width
  • The photo should be placed with short background information


Abstract Submission Starts on: 12nd of December 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline is: 22th of February 2023

Presentation Types

Oral Presentation: Abstracts submitted to this category will be evaluated for presentation in the free paper sessions. If they are not able to be scheduled in the free paper sessions, they may automatically be evaluated as posters.
Poster Presentation: Abstracts submitted to this category will be evaluated for poster presentation only.
Video Presentation: Abstracts submitted to this category will be evaluated for presentation in the edited film sessions only.

The abstract of the video presentation must be summited through abstract submission system. After the abstract is submitted, the video must be sent to evrs2023@valor.com.tr by large file transfer programs like www.wetransfer.com or www.sendgb.com. The abstract reference number and the presenter name must be stated on the explanation part.

The video must be:

– No more than 8 minutes
– Include voice guidance / narration.
– Should be in either of the following formats: mov, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .wmv
– Should not exceed 500 MB.

The videos of video presentations whose abstracts were already submitted before the deadline, can be sent by 31 May 2023 through large file transfer programs like wetransfer or sendgb.
New abstract submission is not possible since 22 February 2023 and the statement above is valid for the videos of already submitted abstracts.

Photo Presentation: Abstracts submitted to this category will be evaluated for photo presentation only.
Different from oral, poster and video presentation which are all only focus on scientific content, photo presentation is artistic interpretation of a photo/ photos from your studies. The photo should be qualified in technical aspect and extraordinary in content wise. A short abstract body giving the background information of the photo would be enough.
After the abstract is submitted, the high resolution photo in jpeg, jpg, or png formats should be submitted by wetransfer at evrs2023@valor.com.tr. The abstract reference number and the presenter name must be stated on the explanation part.
The deadline for abstract and photo submission is 22 February 2023.

Courses: Instructional Courses may be submitted only by EVRS members who should involve at least 4 instructors. The abstract must describe the title, purpose and level (basic, intermediate, advanced) of the course. Only the top 10 best quality courses will be involved in the program. Course proposal can be submitted online through abstract submission system.


  • Updates on Macular Surgery
  • Retinal Detachment
  • PVR
  • Ocular Trauma and Eye Reconstruction
  • Techniques for Secondary IOL Implantation/IOL Dislocations
  • Controversies in Combined Surgeries
  • Complications of Anterior Segment Surgery
  • Complications of VR Surgery
  • Surgery for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Surgical Tips & Tricks (My way)
  • Updates on Pediatric Vitreoretinal Surgery
  • ROP
  • Challenging Cases of Surgical Retina
  • Updates on Uveal Diseases & Endophthalmitis
  • Updates on Ocular Tumors
  • Advances in Medical Retina and Clinical Trials
  • Updates on Wet AMD
  • Updates on Dry AMD
  • Updates on DME
  • Different approaches to treatment of CME
  • Updates on Vein Occlusions
  • Updates on Inherited Retinal Diseases: Gene Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy
  • Updates on Artificial Intelligence
  • Updates on Clinical Trials
  • Late Breaking Developments Innovations in Imaging, Instruments and Equipment
  • Innovations on Surgical ,Instrumentation
  • Updates on Imaging (OCTA, Wide field imaging etc.)
  • Challenging Cases of medical Retina & Imaging
  • Young EVRS Session

Abstract Format

  • Abstract body (300 words maximum)
  • Keywords (Minimum 1, maximum 3)


The number of authors is limited to 12 per abstract. The presenter will receive all communication related to the abstract.

Requirements for Video Abstracts

  • The abstract of the video presentation must be summited through abstract submission system. After submitting the abstract, the related video must be sent to evrs@valor.com.tr by large file transfer programs like www.wetransfer.com or www.sendgb.com . The abstract reference number and the presenter name must be stated on the explanation part.
  • The deadline for abstract and video submission is 22 February 2023.
  • The video must be no more than 8 minutes and include voice guidance / narration.
  • It must be in one of the following formats: .mov, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .wmv and no larger than 500 MB.

Requirements for Photo Abstracts

  • The abstract of the photo presentation must be summited through abstract submission system and the photo should be uploaded on 8th step of the submission.
  • The deadline for abstract and photo submission is  22 February 2023.
  • The uploaded file must have high resolution and must be uploaded in one of the following formats: .jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .gif, .png.

How to submit your abstract online?

The abstract holder shall start the submission by creating an account for him/herself on the submission system. Throughout the submission system:

First Step-> The presentation type and abstract group should be selected and the Best Presentation Award question should be replied as Yes / No.
Second step -> Please type the author institution(s) here.
Third step -> Please add all authors, select the presenting author and choose the institutions if necessary.
Forth step -> The presenting author information should be added.
Fifth step -> The title of the abstracts should be typed. It shall summarize the content of the abstract and only the very first letter of the title shall be in uppercase.
Sixth step -> The abstract body should be typed and it can be maximum 300 words. The abbreviations should be defined the first time they appear in the text. The sentences in the text shall be written with uppercase only in first letters and the rest of the sentence shall be in lowercase except names, abbreviations and etc.
Seventh step -> The keywords shall be minimum 1 and maximum 3. They shall be separated by commas.
Eighth step -> No table and figure is allowed for oral, poster and video presentations. Only abstracts that are selected as Photo Presentation can upload figure/photo on 8th step. The photos uploaded by oral, poster and video abstracts will not be published.
Ninth step -> Please type here if you have any additional comments.
Tenth step -> Preview your abstract and submit it for evaluation.

Abstract Evaluation

Submitted abstracts will be assessed by blind evaluation. After the evaluation is completed, the abstract holders will be notified for the result through email at presenting author contact information.
By submitting the abstract for 20th EVRS Meeting, the authors accept and approve the publication of their abstracts in the congress book.

Abstract Awards

Selected abstracts will be awarded in Best Presentation category.

Registration is Required

Presenter of abstracts accepted as oral, poster, video or photo are expected to register for the congress for their abstracts being included in the scientific program. The presenters shall cover their registration, accommodation or transportation expenses themselves.

For any technical assistance about abstract submission, please contact the Organizing Secretariat.